
Other Kinds of Traffic

Having finished studying, but not yet ready to hit the sack, Payton Shaw was taking a quick look through his social media. It split about 50/50 between the purely personal and that pertaining to his role as an on-air personality at Shepardsport Pirate Radio.

I really need to get some of this stuff updated. Of course the fact that his show was weekly rather than daily meant that he just didn’t have as much material for his professional pages as DJ’s like the Timeline Brothers or Spruance Del Curtin.

A voice calling his name pulled him out of his thoughts. Payton looked up to find Quinn Merton standing just behind him. “So you’re going through your social media too.

“Yeah, and I was trying to remember when traffic started slacking off. I mean, things have been kinda busy lately,” he decided not to mention the research he’d been doing after Colonel Hearne had left him with a puzzle, “so I wasn’t keeping as close of track. Things change slowly enough and you don’t really notice it until it gets big enough that you say hey, when did it happen?”

“How hard would it be to get actual traffic data on that stuff? I know Lou Corlin works down at IT, so he might be able to get some logs. And Spruance Del Curtin’s working on some kind of super-secret project for Dr. Doorne, and he got picked because he was in her statistics class.”

Payton considered that information. “Lou would be easy to approach, but if he doesn’t think he ought to be handing out that information, he’s going to be tough to convince. Sprue’s just the opposite. Aloof as a cat, but if you want to get him to do something for you, make it into a challenge and he’ll knock himself out to beat everyone else to it.”

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