
Maybe Some Answers

Spruance Del Curtin had almost given up on helping Cindy Margrave with her question about the beginning of the Flannigan Administration and how it led to the Sharp Wars. It would’ve been easier if he could’ve gone directly to some of the people he knew would have the answers, but he didn’t have the right connections to just walk up and ask.

And then he was heading out of the station offices after his air shift and a familiar voice called his name. He turned to find Zach, one of the guys he’d been teamed with off and on when he was still working in Engineering.

“I hear you’ve been asking around for someone who was old enough to have clear memories of the start of the Sharp Wars.”

“Yeah, I was trying to help a colleague who’s been really curious about why her teacher is sort of avoiding that subject. We’re both thinking it has something to do with military personnel not speaking badly of the Commander-in-Chief, but especially with so much of the stuff you can find online being suspect, I wanted to hear what someone who had actual memories of the time had to say.”

“In that case, I’m not sure how much help I’d be. I mean, I was still in middle school then. A very precocious middle school kid who was already following the news and becoming aware of national and world events, which a couple of my teachers seemed to find threatening for some reason, but still seeing it through a kid’s-eye-view.”

Sprue kept his pose non-chalant. “No problem. But even those recollections may give us something to go on.”

Zach cast a significant glance at the clock. “Right now I’m a little tight on time. But text me this evening and we can work out some time to reminisce.”

Not what he’d hoped for, but it was still better than nothing at all.